World's Most Expensive Hair Worth USD. 25 Billion!

Do you know the artist who starred in Hollywood Zorrow? He is Catherine Zeta-Jones. The actress who is very lucky. Her hair was appreciated very expensive, USD 25 billion for a cosmetics company. Why? Because her hair was a model didapuk Catherine Lux shampoo ads. Only the duration of the announcements in seven minutes, the wife of Michael Douglas was paid 1.55 million pounds or approximately USD 25 million.

"We put Catherine because we were so revived in style in the film Entrapment, is so mysterious," said an executive at Unilever, the company that issued Lux shampoo, appointment of the first woman.

These ads appear on the plan only in Japan and China. In the notice of shampoo, starred in a short film about a spy. Lux shampoo addition, Catherine is also a model of Elizabeth Arden cosmetics. It is also spokesman DiModolo jewelry. Unfortunately, no ads on Indonesia, as curious hair deh worth 23 billion.