More Stylish in the Rain Season

Upset because the rainy season makes the hassle of carrying an umbrella, took to the streets of clay to navigate traffic jams for hours? Hm ... Why can not verify the positive side? The fresh air and running to cool while flying in this room would wage an opportunity to dress more elegant. In fact, crapper imitate the style of Hollywood celebrities that crapper exclusive admire in magazines or movies. We began to remove items for you to build solely in the closet!

Hollywood 1. You have a monkey as Halle Berry's this? This shirt collar to protect your upper draperi module represents the cold, so I do not have to wear a scarf. Complete with a cropped leather jacket, socks and boots. In the right image, a simple dress shirt belonged to Rose McGowan could be the force that the belt wrapped around a nail. Wear pants and boots to protect your feet.

Style 2. It's time mempadupadankan your wardrobe. Bright floral heads crapper be equipped with the scarf and velvet jackets. You crapper verify soured cap if you are not satisfied. Or if you have a leather skirt? You crapper imitate Gwyneth Paltrow on the right. Using the coronation tank gray and black jacket.

Hollywood 3. Double breast jacket with panoramic crapper be used to supplement your sleeveless blouse or shirt. Add a brightly colored scarf as an accent. And that says enggak crapper driving style? Naomi Watts imitate this style. Leather jackets and scarves doubt your embody module warm through the cold after the rain.

Style 4. You prefer a dress skirt, while for work? Wearing a crown neck cells and Ashley Olsen is panoramic. On the right, economist Salma appeared outside the usual style. This red skirt individual cells in turn act of leather garments. You crapper get rid of his hat, but the handkerchief is not feat to appear so.

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