Lady Gaga Hate Celebrities who use Casual Clothes

Lady Gaga hated celebrity dress casually. Singer "Phone", which is famous for this trust eccentric fashion star to make an effort when he appeared on the red carpet events. He must think it is something worthy of display in front of the fans.
Gaga said: "I think it should look beautiful all the time. When I meet celebrities and be presented with casual clothes, I always think, 'Whaaat?" I do not mean to judge, but it is actually better than his real self, all time. When I left the car and has 30 fans waiting I know how to make the clothing they have an emotional reaction. "Femalefirst quoted Similarly, on Sunday (4/3/2010).

Star 24 this year, also admitted a high sex drive, but has denied reports she bought clothes sex shops. "I do not buy clothes sex shops," he said.

He told the British magazine OK!, "Everybody likes sex. I am pleased to present sex to another person on the planet who does not like sex."

"I do not buy clothes sex shops. Only I have a love affair with S & M clothing and masks, as I love the idea of telling without showing their faces. I think in some ways a very strong and power showbiz. "He explained.