My view at 6:30am

Early morning is one of my favorite times with Toby. He's super mellow and talk-y, and we "chitchat" about lots of fascinating things while he plays in his crib. When Toby was first born, I was so anxious that I was doing everything right (he was so teeny), but these days I'm thankfully settling in, feeling more confident and just enjoying his awesome company. Oh, Toby, I adore you and your Jack

Laughter yoga

Have you guys heard of laughter yoga? Indian physician Madan Lal Kataria encourages people to get together in small groups and start fake laughing; after a while, he says, the laughter will become genuine and euphoric. Dr. Kataria believes that laughter can cure physical and psychological ailments. It sounds nutty, but my friend Scott recently tried it with a group of friends and said it was

Golden Gate Bridge dinner party

Whoa! Our girl Jordan just hosted a four-course dinner party on a beach underneath the Golden Gate Bridge. It must have felt so magical to be eating parsnip soup in the cool breeze beneath the twinkling lights.Read her full story here.(Photos by Paul Ferney for Oh Happy Day)

Wednesday giveaway!

Today's giveaway is from Chicago letterpress studio Snow & Graham. They're giving away their beautiful 2011 wall calendar, which has gorgeous flower illustrations each month. Wouldn't it look lovely above a desk? (It would also make a great gift.)For a chance to win, please visit Snow & Graham's shop and leave a comment below. A winner will be chosen at random tomorrow. Good luck! xoUpdate: Mrs.

Helmet style

We've talked about helmets (and lack of helmets) before, so I'm loving these photos of Milanese models in their Vespa helmets. Very cute!(Photos by Hanneli Mustaparta)

Maine perfume

A few years ago, my dad took my sister and me on a fall weekend trip to Bar Harbor, Maine. We stayed in a charming old B&B and made it our goal to eat lobster for every single meal, including lobster scrambled eggs, bisque, rolls, whole lobsters, and even a McDonald's McLobster...Even though it rained almost the whole time, the trip was one of the best I've ever taken. So I was psyched to

The Ways to Enlarge and Firm Breast Naturally

A woman who already had children and breast-feeding her child, this will lead to sagging breasts. Because it is very difficult to keep the breast still tight. Natural way may not be as effective as breast surgery. But there are some ways can be done for breast lyang remain tight without having surgery or using drugs.

Wearing a bra is very useful for breast still tight. By using proper bra and both can eliminate the drooping or sagging breasts. Both at the time of the trip or during sleep should use a bra. On the other hand the proper exercise also helps to keep breasts firm.

Proper posture is very influential on the firmness of the breast. Therefore, it is always advisable to walk in an upright position. This is because by always running on your shoulders pulled back, her breasts automatically pushed out and lifted up.

Exercising with a goal for firmer breasts is also an option. Sebgai examples of sports pushup. This exercise may seem difficult for some people, but this type of exercise works by building the back muscles, thus making the breast stronger. Another type of sport that adalay lift wing, that is by standing up straight and wrists are next at a certain height and then go up and down alternately by using a tool.

Lifting weights with the right position can also tighten the breast. This can be by lifting light weights. The function of this type of exercise is helpful in building muscle behind the breast. This works effectively when the lift is done by your side. This angle helps in targeting the right muscles in the chest.

Robot man

This robot man would look hilarious on a bookcase. His break-dance-y moves are awesome!(Via Swissmiss)

Stockholm style

Simple yet beautiful. Adding a chambray shirt and black jeans to my fall wishlist. Also, red hair!(Photo by Stockholm Street Style, via Vic)

Brooklyn Diary

Our girl Lena just curated a new book, Brooklyn Diary, which takes a look at the daily lives of 21 Brooklyn artists, documented by 10 Brooklyn photographers. They reveal their favorite neighborhood spots and offer peeks inside their quirky homes. Part-coffeetable book and part-travel guide, Brooklyn Diary will be released on October 11th. I'm really excited for it. Congrats, Lena!(These photos

Colorful collection in Milan Fashion Week Trends

Gucci, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana and display the collection of spring / summer 2011 Milan Fashion Week 2010. Colorful collection is emerging as a trend in Milan Fashion Week.

In the case at Gucci (23 / 9) morning and iconic Italian brand showcase collection spring / summer 2011, welcomed the "One adult glamorous."

Prada following the trend on the catwalk, with different bright colors and jewel-studded major key to the collection, including a humorous style, bananas ground and lines. So, as quoted by Femalefirst, Monday (27/09/2010).

Elsewhere, Dolce & Gabbana show trends of interest to the welcome reappearance of next summer, with a view. However, color display that gives the impression of women, not just the bright colors that will be popular during the spring / summer 2011.

Alberta Ferretti and Luisa Beccaria choose to look romantic with a very fine figure, with a very thin lace and chiffon dress at the top. At the same time, the brand Fendi show a completely different style from other collections of Fashion Week in Milan, he has chosen to show better taste than the age of 70.

The highlight of the fashion world is a beautify the capital in the coming days to show their pieces, showing a collection of Roberto Cavalli, Giorgio Armani, Versace and planned to be graced Vogue U.S.. Vogue editor Anna Wintour is in the city of Italy, and probably the first line to attend the event.

120 Beautiful Women Ready to Compete in the Miss World Event

Execution of Miss World 2010 is in the eye. This year, a total of 120 most beautiful women are ready to compete for the crown of Miss World.

For finalist from Indonesia presented Asyifa Latif. Miss Indonesia 2010 will focus on China on October 1.

"I went to China, accompanied by a representative of the Miss Indonesia Foundation. Upon arrival, I immediately do regitrasi to follow quarantine for a month, "said Asyifa, when talking to a number of legal drafting, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, recently.

During the pageant world, a beautiful virgin birth of Bandung, 20 September 1988, will visit several Chinese cities like Beijing, Ordos, Shanghai and Sanya.

"For the evening peak of Miss World 2010 will be held in Sanya, China, October 30, 2010. At that time, the winner of the Miss World 2009 Miss World Kaiane Aldorino replacement will be announced," he explained.

To be successful the work of any event held by the Miss World organization, Asyifa also requested support and prayers of the people of Indonesia.

"Hopefully, I can smell the Indonesian people in the international arena. Please pray and support from the community," he said.

Have a happy weekend

My dears, what are you up to this weekend? We're taking Toby on a walk today (to Sephora!) and ordering a big square pizza with mushrooms tonight. (Why are square pizzas always better?) Have a great one, and here are a few fun posts from around the web this week...Porter has a new kissing blog!New fashion idea: Wearing kid-sized sweaters. The difference between good and bad dancers. (I'd be the

Toby's belly laugh

Toby has started doing hilariously awkward belly laughs every few days. Here's one we caught on tape, when Alex was opening a package. He found the wrapping paper totally hilarious.P.S. They say the average 4-year-old laughs 400 times per day!

Unique Lingerie

Have you ever seen lingerie like this?

1. Username and Password

2.Slide to Unlock


4.Bonus Stage

5.Achievement Locked

6. etc

Elegant Symbols in Fashion

In the world of fashion, hair is a symbol of elegance, elegance, and Glamorama. However, not for the defenders of animal rights and environmental groups.

For them, the use of fur in fashion is the kingdom of cruelty similar is both disturbing the environmental balance. To do this, proponents of activist animal rights protest often fashion week with several large banners and posters reading "Dan Rather naked than wear fur" or "The use of fur is a crime."

Still, the feathers seem to always find their way back to the runway. Some designers who care about the environment, such as Stella McCartney, had his own commitment not to use fur or other materials of animal origin such as collection of materials.

However, for some other designers, the concern seemed not to touch. On the catwalks of Paris, Milan, New York, London, even the skin appears to show her beauty over again in different variations.

"I think the skin is another type of textiles used as material for clothing and women as well as other types of textiles, leather has also been growing in line with advances in technology," said Michael Kors, with a coat fur and a skirt to the knee wool plaid for fall and winter.

"Fur is present in a variety of options, including the use of synthetic fur, mink do not have to be always in shape around his neck. But, on the one hand, combine the comfort and luxury is a distinctive image of fashion" he said.

fashion commentator and editor of British Vogue Fashion Sarah Harris, said he was surprised by the number of hairs that go back to the track.

"The skin is a statement of elegance and grace. But, seeing him return to the catwalk at this present moment, in my opinion, is the rebellious side of fashion," he said.

Contrast to Harris, Katie Hillier, who this year received the title of the best accessories designer version of the British Fashion Awards say if you want a fair bit mode Glamorama then gripped by the crisis for some time.

"I think bululah that selected the authors of fashion to show the new mode of recovery after a minimal time and the practical result of the recession was over," said Hillier.

Despite some exclusive brands like Fendi feather in his collection, including mosaic accented vest, which received positive response from retailers, some fashion designers try to balance the needs and concern for nature.

They claim to perform further processing and only choose a skin dealer's license for material they use does not disturb the balance of nature.

Frida Giannini, Gucci's creative director, said he used skin from the collection of autumn and winter have gone through the process of transformation.

"We use a new technology that produces the classic collection of Gucci leather lighter, almost like a shirt," he said, saying the material is a combination of suede with fox fur.

Giannini explained that he uses feathers from dealers. Saga of skin, the Danish company of fur traders, said on its website that distribute feathers produced from certified farms which meet international standards, and is not a result of illegal hunting in the wild.

Other designers are also using fur dealers are Butor Consuelo Castiglioni. Creative Director Marni Fashion House is using the new embroidery techniques that provide new materials that can reflect the beauty and elegance of the skin without using too much hair itself.

While Roberto Cavalli combine vision, Astrakhan, week, raccoons, foxes and make a coat. When designers create real hair, then the tendency of flooding Highstreet retailer with a collection of synthetic leathers as Topshop.

In its official statement, explaining that Topshop leather skin which is used typically used to make teddy bears, but not further prepared for a softer texture than the original hair.

Hot pink lips

I usually wear red lipstick or nothing, but I'm really digging this hot pink lip color. I'm planning to try some at Sephora this weekend and crossing my fingers that my alabaster complexion can pull it off. Would you wear it? xo(Photos from DvF, via Aubrey Road)

Ink + Wit giveaway

Today's giveaway is from Ink + Wit, Tara Hogan's beautiful letterpress and design shop based in New York. She's offering one reader a $50 gift certificate to her shop. (I love her stamp sets and tea towels.)For a chance to win, please visit Ink + Wit and leave a comment below. A winner will be chosen at random tomorrow. Good luck! xoUpdate: Flora is our lucky winner. Thanks for playing.

Wedding rings

I have a soft spot for simple wedding rings. This beaded ring by Elephantine is beautiful, don't you think?P.S. Four other nice places for simple wedding rings.(Photo of Jenny)

Wading into the ocean

We didn't make it to the beach this summer, so I'm living vicariously through this video of Mav wading into the ocean in Portland, Maine. I can almost feel that icy cold water on my feet and ankles!(From 3191 Miles Apart, which I adore)

How to do Heidi braids

I'm terrible at doing my hair and usually wear it in a messy bun. So I was excited to see that Julie did a post on how to do Heidi braids. What a cute fall look! Will you try it?

First days with Toby

My lovelies, thank you so much for your sweet comments on our birth story. It felt so wonderful to reminisce. Now I'd love to share a few photos of the rest of our hospital stay, if you'd like to see...(This photo above is one of my all-time faves!)About an hour after Toby was born, our nurse brought us to the maternity ward, where we would be staying for two nights. In New York City hospitals,

Wow, Paris Hilton in Jakarta Catwalk Style!

Paris Hilton
Socialite Paris Hilton will welcome fans in Jakarta. Hilton heiress will be elegant in the runway Gran Indonesia, Jakarta.

"Yeah, Paris Hilton will be released on September 25 and held a fashion show here. Berlenggok also participate on the runway," says Public Relations Coordinator at Grand Indonesia Vanny Rismanida okezone chatting with cell phone Tuesday (21 / 09/2010).

The blond socialite will present a collection of winter clothing lines. Apart held a fashion show in Paris will also open a store, Bags & Accessories Paris Hilton on the top floor of the mall west of Grand Indonesia shopping town (GIST).

"Paris will be Winter fashion show in Paris Hilton handbags and accessories collection," said Vanny.

In addition berlenggok by the gateway and opened the boutique, Vanny also revealed that Paris will attend a charity event held by Grand Indonesia shopping town. On Saturday (25/09/2010) night, will attend the launch of Hello magazine by Indonesia in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Jakarta.

Due to the celebrity world, including the much awaited his presence, the show that there was no private party. 'However, due to the location of the mall to the west low high GIST located in the heart of downtown, then we could make it easy for the media to capture the event, "concluded Vanny.

Our birth story

My dears, at looong last, I'd love to share our birth story with you. Here goes...xoxoOn the warm spring evening of Monday, May 24th, Alex and I were hanging out at home. My belly was getting enormous (and tight as a drum), so we took a few random snapshots, just for fun. Toby’s due date was more than a week away, so we didn't expect to go into labor anytime soon (let alone in a matter of hours!)

Have a happy almost-fall weekend.

My lovelies, what are you up to this weekend? We're going to take a long walk around town with Toby in the sling, and I'll be finally finishing my birth story, which I can't wait to share on Monday! Hope you have a good one, and here are a few great posts from around the web this week...This tiny apartment manages to feel big and bright.Raindrops on the ocean.Liking this whale book cover.How cute

Friday Giveaway!

Today's giveaway is from Spotted Moth, a women's boutique that's cute and amazingly affordable. They're offering one lucky winner a $100 gift certificate to perk up her fall wardrobe. (I'd think I'd go for the shadow dress, anorak jacket, and love earrings!)For a chance to win, please visit Spotted Moth and leave a comment below. A winner will be chosen at random on Monday. Good luck! xoxoUpdate:

Beach vacation?

Alex and I are already dreading the NYC winter, so we're planning to take Toby on a little beach getaway this coming February. (He'll be nine months old!) We're thinking maybe Tulum, Mexico, or Sanibel Island, Florida, but I'd LOVE to ask: Do you have any recommendations of places you've liked? xo(Photos by Nastya and Jacinta)

Fall shopping

Two things on my autumn wish list: This Uniqlo cashmere sweater (those sleeves are sooo chic; perfect for a chilly Saturday afternoon) and Gap skinny cords (which are insanely insanely flattering, by the way; take it from this new mom!).(Thanks for the sweater find, Alyson)

Newborn kitten

Oh my goodness, this adorable six-week-old kitten weighs less than a pound! Thought he'd add some cuteness to your day. :)P.S. The best part: His name is Jack!

Wednesday giveaway!

Today's giveaway is Portland artist Lisa Golightly of Kiki & Polly. She's offering one lucky winner a sweet and simple line 13" x19" portrait based on a personal photo! How wonderful to have an original portrait of yourself (or a loved one).For a chance to win, please visit Kiki & Polly's shop and leave a comment below. A winner will be selected at random tomorrow. Good luck!Update: Kelly is our

Fall is in the air.

Fall is exactly one week away, and I can't wait.(Photos by Stephanie for 3191 Miles Apart)

How to massage a baby

At three and a half months old, Toby is already a little bon vivant and loves full-body massages. So we decided to put together a how-to-massage-a-baby post for Highchair Critics. Here's how we do it...Depending on how luxurious we're feeling, we use baby massage oil, pure vegetable oil (which our doctor suggested, funnily enough), or nothing at all. I start by softly rubbing his forehead in

Mikoh Swimwear

Hot damn, these swimsuits are so sexy. Makes me want to go to a white sandy beach immediately.P.S. Have you been swimming this summer? We haven't but I'm dying to!(Via Aubrey Road)

Beautiful store

Magpie and Rye is such a beautiful store, inspired by a love of nature. I love all the wood and gold together. (I suddenly want my whole house to look like that.)(Via Oh Joy)

Weekend with Toby

This weekend, Alex, my mom and I had an awesome time playing with Toby, who is now a whopping 3.5 months old. (So grown-up!)This photo cracks me up. We had propped him up in the armchair, and he looked so hilariously chubby. Go chins!My mom was visiting for the past ten days, and it was amazing to have her around. She slept in the nursery with Toby and called him her "roomie."She left yesterday.

Have a relaxing weekend.

My darlings, what are you doing this weekend? My mom is visiting until Sunday, and we've been having the best time playing with Toby. Alex and I are also thinking of sneaking away for a romantic sail before she leaves. (The weather is slated to be crisp and beautiful!) Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and in the meantime, here are a few great posts from around the web...What a sweet, sweet

Winter Fashion Trends, Feather will be Excellent

Although 2010 is not over, the best designers seem to have made a trend for 2011. Always a warm conversation and debate among fashion lovers, the skin is mentioned as attributes that will become a trend in 2011. Do not be surprised if a number of famous designers looking to use fur in any of their work.

Latest news mentioning at least one third of the top designers with a skin in the collection of autumn / winter 2010/2011 them. Both the original leather, synthetic leather, skin color, like red, green feather dress up, they call it the attributes of fashion. This marks the pen that triumphed in 2011. Thus, quoted in okezone Millionlooks.

A senior designer from Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld made the collection of autumn / winter 2010/2011 with a touch of fur. Karl designed the coat, pants, skirts, hats, boots and gloves with feathers. So the collection is very unique and captivating. The feathers adorn the sleeves, collars and bags.

While the designer Marc Jacobs also designed the tail designs of the same materials, ie leather. Do not just put the skin on the neck and underarm, Marc has also created a boom in a different form, namely, the bolero.

While the famous brands from Italy, Etro collection showcase more varied and daring their feathers are beautiful, wearing a coat of different colors in the collection of autumn / winter 2010/2011 them. Among other bright colors like red and the results of each collection is interesting.

Most designers are always using the pen to give the impression of luxury in their designs. Nina Ricci, for example. Collection of fashion design looks great and becomes an amazing work of art when the feathers are inserted in the fall collection of fashion / winter 2010/2011 it.

While on the one hand, animal lovers PETA organization in the world condemned the presence of fur fashion, but actually high society could not refuse to not wear fur. But it is important to remember that both natural and artificial skin will be beautiful and elegant when worn. Moreover warmth offered through the plumes are perfect for winter. Are you interested in performing with the feather?

Friday giveaway!

Today's giveaway is from Steven Alan, my favorite New York designer. One lucky winner will receive this gorgeous silk Hudson dress, which has a gathered waist and adorable pockets. (It retails for $265). Wouldn't you love to wear it with tights and red lipstick this fall?For a chance to win, please visit Steven Alan's online shop (and sign up for his newsletter, if you'd like), and leave a

Striped couple

Love these boy and girl prints by Blanca Gomez. They'd look adorable facing each other.

Alexa Chung for Madewell

Hurray! British style icon Alexa Chung designed a collection for Madewell, and it arrived online today! Everything is feminine, graphic and amazing. (I'm dying for that polka-dot blouse.) See it all here.

Wednesday giveaway!

Today's giveaway is from Allen Company Vintage, a shop with beautiful vintage pieces. One lucky winner will receive a $100 gift certificate to spruce up her fall wardrobe.(I'd go for this white dress, this incredible cape or a cute bag!)For a chance to win, please visit Allen Company Vintage and leave a comment below. A winner will be chosen at random tomorrow. Good luck! xoUpdate: Soon, Then is

French wedding veil

My jaw dropped when I saw this French bride Fanny's lace veil. She looks so old-fashioned and romantic, and I love how it's wrapped under her hair. Would you go for a wedding veil?P.S. Four more wedding veils: Vintage, birdcage, kissable and poofy.(Photos by Emilie Gerard, via OnceWed)

Nature prints

Loving the artwork from Miles of Light. (Aren't the bookmarks pretty?)

Fall trend #4: The beehive

This fall, the 1960's beehive is back! According to The New York Times, the modern version is sexy and tousled, and the ears are covered for a pretty profile. (Here's a how-to.) Would you try it?(Via Marvelous Kiddo)

Children's books?

My sweets, Toby and I love to read before bedtime. But we've read the same books over and over and are looking for a few more to spice up our repertoire. Do you have any favorite children's books? Was there a book you especially adored when you were little? We'd love to hear! xoxoP.S. Two books that crack me up are Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late and Olivia Saves the Circus. Funny for both moms

Have an inspiring long weekend!

My dears, what are your plans for this weekend? My mom is visiting for two weeks -- yahoo! Toby and I love hanging with her during the day, and of course she's been cooking up a storm (she's making guacamole as I type). Hope you have a fun weekend, and here are a few great posts from around the web...These wedding rings are pretty much perfect.I heart heart stickers.Wouldn't you like this